Preserve Precious Memories With Our 6x4 Photo Prints

We designed our high-quality 6x4 photo prints to last a lifetime so that you can treasure them forever. Order yours today. 


Our 6x4 prints are one of our most popular sizes. They are perfect for family photos, photo albums, fine art photos, and more. They feature

  • A 6-inch by 4-inch size
  • Exceptionally high resolution for crystal clear image quality
  • Come in a standard luster finish or luxurious metallic pearl finish
  • Premium archival paper and ink for longevity
  • Average turnaround time of 3-4 days
  • Affordable pricing with special bulk rates
  • Easy to order from your phone or computer
  • 6x4 photo size is perfect for a gift or photo album

Perfect for Any Occasion

When it comes to versatility, nothing beats our 6x4 photo prints. They fit in a wide range of frames and photo albums, making them easy to gift or as a chronicle of your life's journey. They also make a perfect size for displaying fine art photos on a stand or one wall and are accessible on any budget.

Designed to Captivate; Made to Last

At Yellow Lab Imaging, we know few things in life are more cherished than the photos of loved ones or those that capture a rare moment. We are committed to helping you preserve those memories with our exceptionally high-quality photo prints. We use only the best inks, materials, and printing processes to ensure that your images will last. We even offer photo restoration and digitalization to help protect and back up older, one-of-a-kind pictures before they are lost in time. 

Print 6x4 Photos Today

If you are looking for the best way to print 6x4 photos, we are here to help. Place your order now to enjoy fast, free shipping on all orders over $25. 

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